Paediatric Sickle cell & Thalassaemia
NMUH is a provider of specialist services for patients with Sickle cell disease, Thalassaemia’s, and other inherited anaemias. Comprehensive care is provided by a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). The service provides care for patients locally (Enfield and Haringey, parts of Barnet). As a specialist commissioned service it also provides outreach and specialist care to linked providers within the boundaries of the haemoglobinopathy clinical network. This includes assessment, screening, and treatment of patients from Hertfordshire in Welwyn Gardens, Princess Alexandra and some parts in Essex .
The service has grown due to the number of patients locally and referrals from other local haemoglobinopathy centres. We have a total of 284 active patients plus some patients who are out of our area that comes to us and require Haemoglobinopathy care.
We provide service from birth and continue until patients are transferred to the adult team at the age of 16 (19 if they have additional needs). We provide in- patient, out-patient, and community care.