Keeping people healthy

One of our key aims at North Mid is to work in partnership to reduce health inequalities and improve the lives of our local population.

We work with a number of organisations to support you to stay healthy and well.

Enfield Early Help Directory 4 All

Our ageing well guide has a comprehensive overview of the support services available to older people living in Enfield and Haringey. 

Access our ageing well guide

Drug and alcohol services

There are so many benefits to reducing your alcohol and drug consumption, some you may expect and others that may be a welcome surprise. Not only is it good for your general health, improving your appearance and how you feel, drinking less will have a positive impact on other aspects of your life including your relationships and work.

Services available in my area

Great mental health in Haringey

Great Mental Health is an ambitious and exciting programme comprising of a diverse range of activities, initiatives and resources to support Haringey residents of all ages to maintain good mental health and wellbeing.

Find out about the services on offer

One You Haringey

One You Haringey - We offer FREE weight loss, exercise, stop smoking, alcohol reduction programmes plus NHS health checks.  We can support you to make small, sustainable changes to improve your health and wellbeing and live a longer, happier life. Start improving your health today with our tools, motivational support and encouragement to guide you every step of the way.


Details here: One You Haringey | One You

Stop smoking services

Stop smoking services

Smoking tobacco is the main cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK. It is linked to several diseases such as cancer (primarily lung cancer), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease, and can lead to complications during pregnancy. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of developing or worsening of smoking-related illnesses, and the benefits begin as soon as a person stops smoking.

There are community smoking cessation services in Haringey and Enfield. Enfield services are currently for pregnant women and their partners only.

North Mid is a smoke free site. 

To find a stop smoking service local to you please visit the Stop Smoking London website.