Our Strategic Direction. Our Vision

Our executive team are responsible for setting the strategic direction for us here at North Mid and they have summarised our intentions under five strategic themes:

5 strategic themes

Each of these Strategic Themes have no more than 1 or 2 short term objectives to support us prioritising our capacity for improvement.


Our Patient First triangle is a visual reminder that the patient is at the heart of everything we do. It reminds us to uphold our trust values and to continue to challenge our current ways of working to make experiences/outcomes better for our patients. Underpinning our strategy are our strong foundations on which all high performing organisations pride themselves.  These core elements, consistently executed, provide stability, rigour and accountability for our actions and enable a strong culture of safety, quality and improvement.

Our strategic goal is to be the best acute trust in London for staff feeling respected, included and work in a safe environment.


Our people are engaged, compassionate, respect each other, and will always strive to improve. Our people are our most important strength. Our people feel committed to North Mid because we care for their safety, health and wellbeing, we support them to progress in their careers, and we actively encourage them to contribute to the success of their teams and the Trust.



Patient First Strategy Triangle

Last published

Our vision and values

At North Middlesex University Hospital, our vision is to provide outstanding care for local people.

We are enthusiastic about being the local hospital of choice and this rubs off on our patients. The way we do things is also important and demonstrating the values and behaviours chosen, we can make North Middlesex University Hospital an even better place to receive care.

Our 7 Respectful Behaviours

These are our current respectful behaviours which existed before the introduction of the Patient First Management System. They are aligned with the Trust values and work hand in hand with the Patient First Management System to drive improvement throughout North Middlesex University Hospital. The methodology and tools within the Patient First Management System are used and coached through adherence and role modelling of our Values and Behaviours

7 respectful behaviours

We are open

What it means We are open

  • We embrace change and continuously challenge ourselves and colleagues to create meaningful improvement
  • We ask for help when we need it; we offer help when we see a colleague struggling and we are always open to challenge
  • We actively look for new ways of working and explore new partnerships across teams, divisions and organisations

Our behaviours

  • Speaking up
  • Being curious
  • Learning from mistakes

We are fair

What it means We are fair

  • We respect and understand each other’s differences and backgrounds
  • We are consistent with providing realistic, clear expectations and constructive feedback
  • We are always looking for opportunities to develop all our staff and our services

Our behaviours

  • · Being consistent
  • · Listening to others
  • · Supporting each other

We are caring

We are caring What it means

  • We are compassionate and take time out to check on colleagues and patients
  • We are understanding and recognise each other as individuals
  • We are committed to improving our community for colleagues, patients and care

Our behaviours

  • Showing empathy
  • Being curious
  • Showing humility
  • Listening to others

Strategy Deployment Review (SDR)

Strategy Deployment Reviews (SDRs) are meetings to review scorecards and countermeasure summaries (CMSs). SDRs are conducted across the Trust including at an Executive level and with Divisional and Corporate teams.  

Exec SDR taking place in Meeting Room 4

SDRs provide a forum to monitor performance of metrics, that define improvements within an area of the organisation. This may be within business-as-usual elements or bespoke improvement work. SDRs ensure alignment with our strategy and accountability for performance from leaders across organisation.

The scorecard drives the agenda of the SDR and is a visual representation of performance over time for each driver and watch metric. Driver metrics are those chosen to actively work on to “drive” improved performance. Watch metrics are monitored for adverse trends in performance and may later become drivers.

The countermeasure summary (CMS) is a tool used to communicate progress on improvement work. The CMS consists of four sections to display the performance trend data, stratified data, the top contributors and experiments/actions that are in progress to deliver the desired outcome. A script is used to support consistent and concise verbal delivery of the elements of the CMS.

Leaders are encouraged to engage with reporting teams to understand obstacles to progress, ask how they might support the work differently and offer support through gemba visits. This is also an opportunity to celebrate progress and experimentation with the teams.