About our school age immunisation service
The Enfield School Aged Immunisation Team delivers the school aged vaccination programme for the borough of Enfield. We work with primary and secondary schools within the borough including special schools, Looked after Children (LAC), Pupil Referral Units (PRU), private schools and home educated children. For pupils that are absent or miss their vaccination in school, catch-up clinics run after school, at weekends and in school holidays at Baytree House, Christchurch Close, Enfield EN2 6NZ..
If your child missed a planned vaccination session, we will reschedule this as soon as we can. GPs may not be commissioned to administer some school aged vaccinations, so please contact the immunisation team with any queries.
We offer the flu vaccination to all primary school aged children and all children up to the age of 18 in special needs schools. In Year 8, we offer the HPV vaccination to all young people and the opportunity to catch up their MMR vaccines if missed in childhood. In Year 9, all young people are offered the DTP (their 5th booster of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Meningitis ACWY.
For young people who are educated at home, or elsewhere, please contact us on the below contact details to arrange to have your vaccination in a clinic setting.
Please refer to this link as to why vaccinations are so important for young people and adults: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/why-vaccination-is-safe-and-important.
The Vaccine Knowledge Project is a reliable and trusted source of information. It is an independent organisation run by academics, providing up to date evidence-based information about vaccines and infectious diseases. It is a useful tool to help parents navigate the complex world of vaccines, and helps to support informed decision-making.
Coronavirus update
If your child missed a planned vaccination session when schools were closed, we will reschedule this as soon as we can. GPs may not be commissioned to administer some school aged vaccinations, so please contact the immunisation team with any queries.
Please note that due to COVID-19 Pandemic the team would like to reassure you that all precautions are being taken as per the national guidelines. All nursing staff will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to ensure children are safe from COVID-19 while getting vaccinated.
How our service works
We are a team of qualified nurses and administration staff. We collaborate and liaise with the schools to deliver consent forms and arrange dates to schedule immunisation sessions. We would be grateful if you could return the consent form, even if you prefer your child not to be vaccinated. Please click on the links below for copies of our current School Aged Immunisation letters, leaflets and consent forms.
Please note that whilst parental consent is respected, the decision to participate is legally that of your child, so long as he or she understands the issues in what the procedure involves. This means that if you refuse, the vaccination may still be given if your child wishes to have it. Similarly, if you consent on behalf of your child and they refuse the vaccination, it will not be given.